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The Introduction to Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering (Flight Direction)
Date:2021-03-23  Publisher:admin 

Length of Schooling: 4 years

Degree: Bachelor of Engineering

Code: 081503

I Training Objectives

This major cultivates flight technicians with the capabilities of meeting the needs of social development; achieving all-round development in morality, intelligence and physique; obtaining the specialized knowledge of the major of Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering (Flight direction) and the knowledge of Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics, Flight Performance and Control Principles. The students should be able to be engaged in the civil aviation route flight pilot in the civil aviation companies and meet the standards of International civil aviation route transport pilot's license and the companies' operation management.

II. Training Specifications and Requirements

 Students of this major mainly learn the basic theories and knowledge of Flight Performance, Control Principles and Modern Transport Aircraft Construction, etc., they will receive basic training in the identification and use of various charts, transport communications and air navigation and they will have the basic capabilities in civil aviation.

Graduates should acquire knowledge and abilities in the following aspects:

1. To master the flight performance and operating principle, the basic theory and knowledge of aircraft engine and aircraft maintenance;

2. To master the basic skills of modern flight and pilot;

3. To have the initial capability of civil aviation route flight and air navigation;

4. To be familiar with relevant laws and regulations of air traffic control and flight safety;

5. To understand the development trend of flight technology;

6. To master the basic methods of literature retrieval and data query, and have the preliminary scientific research and practical working ability.

III. Main Subjects and Courses

Main Subjects: flight technology, aircraft engine

Main courses: flight principle, aircraft structure, aircraft engine, mechanical equipment, aircraft automatic flight, air piloting, aviation meteorology, foundation of maintenance engineering, engine maintenance, system maintenance, flight safety, crew resource management, engineering mechanics, electrician and electronic technology, air-ground dialogue, aviation sports

IV. Main Practical Teaching Items

Practice Teaching: sheet metal forming and riveting technology practice, aircraft structure repair practice, electrical and electronic technology practice, hydraulic technology course design, aircraft model production practice, graduation practice and graduation design (Thesis), etc
