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XU JInan
Date:2023-04-13 16:17:33  Publisher:admin 


XU JInan, born in December 1963, a native of Fengcheng, Jiangxi, PhD, professor, doctoral supervisor, is currently the secretary of the Party Committee, supervisor and deputy director of Nanchang Institute of Technology.

He had served as deputy director and director of Marketing Teaching and Research Department of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, deputy dean and member of Party General Branch of College of Business Administration, deputy director of Education Department, director of Institute of Higher Education, director of Education Department, member of Party Committee of the university, standing committee member of Party Committee, director of Organization Department and secretary of Party Committee of the institution. 

He has published more than 20 papers in academic journals such as "Economic Management" and "Contemporary Finance", 2 academic books, and has presided over and completed more than 10 National Social Science Foundation projects and provincial and ministerial projects. He has won 5 provincial teaching achievement awards, and his courses such as "Marketing" have been well received by students.
