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Li Peigen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and former president of Huazhong Univer
Date:2022-09-09  Publisher:admin 

On the morning of 9 September 2022, Professor Li Peigen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and former president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, gave a lecture on the theme of "You are potential innovative talents" in the Hangtian Lecture Hall of the new teaching building. Professor Qiu Xiaolin, Director of the Board and Director of the Provincial Key Laboratory, attended the lecture together with representatives of teachers and students. Vice President Chen Zhilong presided over the lecture.


Lecture scene

Before the lecture, Professor Qiu Xiaolin delivered a welcome speech, expressing his warm welcome to Academician Li Peigen's visit to our university and his sincere gratitude to him for his concern for Nanchang Polytechnic over the years.


Speech by Academician Li Peigen


Welcome speech by Professor Qiu Xiaolin, Chairman of the Board

Academician Li Peigen stressed that "Innovation is a pyramid". Innovation is crucial for students schools and even a nation, and is the source of its vitality and development. In fact, every university student should have the spirit of innovation! The vast number of students should be good at innovating actively and optimistically not only to get knowledge, but also to cultivate innovation ability, to consolidate basic professional knowledge, to cultivate innovation and entrepreneurial consciousness, and to keep pace with the development of the new era. At the same time, academician Li Peigen pointed out that first-class universities should lead the needs of the future talent market, re-examine "what to teach", take the initiative to adjust the construction of disciplines and specialties, adapt to the development of new technologies and new content in the smart era, cultivate more applications and skill-based talents, and take the initiative to meet the needs and demands of the development of the times.




Delegates listened attentively to the lecture

The lively and wonderful lecture ended with  warm applauses from the audience. The lecture of academic Li Peigen quoted from history to reality, from theory to practice, from foreign to domestic, from others to ourselves, close to society, reality and students' hearts, with simple and touching words, broadening our horizons, enlightening our minds, motivating our striving spirit, inspiring our confidence and making us deeply inspired.  

(Editor: Liu Bobo    Reviewee: Yang Tingting Liu Shaofuan)
